Friday, October 14, 2005


i've been
chasing rainbows
most of my life
anxious to see
the silver lining
eager to catch
the pot of gold
never knowing
where to start.

i am
obsessed by a spectral dream
haunted by an imaginary oath
enrapt in a dizzying whirl
of light and shadow
hoping the rain
would not fall.

i often trudge
where angels fear
to tread
acquiescent to temptation
susceptible to despair.
the scars are deep
the wounds take long
to heal.

i've never been
to a rainbow's end.

i wish
it wouldn't stop
somewhere in midstream.

Monday, October 03, 2005


passing through
now familiar highways
cold winds battering a ravaged face,
thoughts drift away
from the flurry of images
sweeping a frenzied vision.

out in the black night
and what-used-to-bes
assault the tired mind
with unwanted recollections
while the pale half-moon
casts a sympathetic wink
at the dancing silver streaks
in the cloudless sky.

a vicious cycle, this
long and winding road
leading nowhere.
uphill, downhill
in rhythmic proportions
on to rugged trails and empty trains
life passes by
untouched, unsullied, unchanged.

a stranger sits still
watching the wheels
go round and round
asking questions with no answers
searching for truths with no meanings
ever wondering, never knowing
forever just passing through.