Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Phantom Of Her Haunted Dreams

She stares blankly ahead, her chin resting on a folded hand. Her thoughts swim to all directions, but really just to nowhere. She looks but doesn't see, listens but doesn't hear, touches but doesn't feel, moves but doesn't understand. Smile? She tries, but...

She lays in the dark alone, sleep takes long in coming. Her thoughts swim again and tears well in her eyes. When will it stop, this madness? Even as she prays hard to break free of the shadows that follow her, deep in her heart she craves for that one moment long ago and far away, now lying steadfast in her dreams, just a fading memory.

Only he can make her smile again. Just the thought of him, or the sound of his voice, can make her feel good again.

For a while.

Phantom Dreams

What's on his mind? I fear
The silent scream of a restless tear
I cannot hide. The pain of knowing
Reality when ends the dreaming.

Frazzled thoughts swim to nowhere
Listening to sounds I couldn't hear
With my eyes closed. Like rain in May
The word goodbye it's hard to say.

What's on his mind? I wonder
Whether 'tis nobler to surrender
And let it die. It's such sweet sorrow
Good things don't last until the morrow.


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